Making your baptism video

One of the most powerful aspects of baptism at Hope is the video shown right before your baptism. The video gives you the opportunity to share your story of how you came to know Christ as your Savior and how he has been working in your life.

Prerecording allows you to do as many takes as necessary while sharing the message you have thoughtfully and prayerfully prepared ahead of time. Some people ask, “Do I have to do the video?” The answer is yes—if you want to be baptized during one of the services at Hope Church.

Baptism is meant to be a public profession, and it is an incredible opportunity to share God’s message of redemption with tons of people. We have witnessed the life-changing effects these videos have had on people’s lives. The video below is a great example of what your video will be like when you are finished filming.

What to expect the day of your baptism

Most of our baptisms take place during our Sunday morning service. Usually, there are several people being baptized, one at a time. And there are always plenty of people who come to cheer and celebrate with you! Be sure to invite your family and friends to join us for the celebration!    

When we arrive at the baptism location, we'll take a few minutes to gather everyone together, and perhaps sing one or two songs. You'll also have the opportunity to share if you would like to. If you do decide to share, plan to keep it to a short - a minute or two.

When it is your turn to be baptized, you will be invited into the baptistry/pool/ocean. You will be asked a few simple questions pertaining to your commitment to follow Christ. These are simple "yes" or "no" questions, such as "have you decided to become a follower of Jesus?" Following the questions, the person baptizing will say something like, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" and will immerse you fully into the water. You'll immediately resurface to find everyone cheering and applauding for you.

What to bring & what to wear:

• Wear a dark colored, loose fitting shirt, and shorts/pants

• Bring a towel and change of clothes

• Arrive 15 minutes early so you can receive instructions